Youth Programs

Providing Incentive, Motivation, and Direction

Crump Law Camp | Virtual

The National Bar Association Crump Law Camp was established to provide students entering the 9th through 11th grades (ages 14 to 17) with an introduction to the American judicial system. Three other national minority bars—the Hispanic National Bar Association, the Native American Bar Association, and the National Asian Pacific Bar Association- have generously supported the camp as well. By providing incentive, motivation, and direction to aspiring law students of color, the National Bar Association Crump Law Camp helps prepare the nation’s future lawyers, judges, and protectors of the judicial system. The inaugural two-week camp was held during the summer of 2001 at Howard University School of Law, supported by a grant from the Ford Motor Company Fund. Thirty-two students of diverse backgrounds and ethnicities descended upon the Howard University campus, where they were introduced to law school and learned some of the skills required to be an effective lawyer.

Linnes Finney, Jr. National Bar Association Youth Day

Held during the Annual Convention, this day-long program provides high school students with a chance to learn about careers in the legal profession. This program aims to increase the number of diverse students applying to and being admitted to our nation’s law schools by providing them with resources and knowledge about what it takes to become a lawyer. Participants attend various workshops on the application/admissions process, trying cases, and legal profession options. The students will also participate in mock trial competitions. The program culminates with an awards presentation.

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drum Major for Justice Advocacy Competition

This contest is designed to motivate high school students to excel in education. The Competition encourages students to express their views on a pre-selected topic and focuses on the ability of the students to communicate orally and in writing. The Competition is also designed to give young people experience in public speaking and reviewing legal documents as well as provide an opportunity for them to obtain some financial support to continue their education.


Please note: Local and Regional competition dates and deadlines are determined by Local Affiliate Chapters and Regional Directors respectively.

Youth Symposia and Seminars CAMP

During the 2010-2011 bar year the National Bar Association published a pamphlet entitled, “How the Law Treats You Differently When You Turn 18.” This publication was a part of the National Bar Association’s “Lifting as We Climb” series and is intended to inform, not advise, persons about certain rights and responsibilities they gain when they turn 18. During some bar years, a Youth Empowerment Symposium was held at various National Bar Association meetings. This symposium featured an in-depth look at the National Bar Association publication “How the Law Treats You Differently When You Turn 18,” an informative session on bullying and teen dating violence and civic education in the nation’s schools, and a seminar related to deconstructing the school-to-prison pipeline.

The Evett L. Simmons Mock Trial Competition

Traditionally, the program is held on Tuesday or Wednesday during the Annual Convention. The Evett L. Simmons Mock Trial Competition is the highlight of the National Bar Association Crump Law Camp. All students at the Law Camp participate in the Evett L. Simmons Mock Trial Competition. The finalist attends the convention and competes for a laptop computer. The students are rising 9th, 10th, and 11th graders. The first competition took place under Past President Simmons’ Presidency. The 14th Annual Competition took place during the 89th Annual Convention and Exhibits.

Law Academy: Constitution Day

Constitution Day is a nationally recognized holiday that commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787. Educators throughout the U.S. are encouraged to teach students about one of the most important and influential events in American history, which established the many rights and freedoms “We the People” enjoy today.

The National Bar Association celebrates Constitution Day, on September 17, with educational programs in classrooms throughout the United States. Volunteer attorneys discussed the Constitution with junior high school students. The National Bar Association 2013 Pilot occurred in select cities around the country.

Diversity Task Force

This committee is responsible for planning and implementing programming which will increase diversity in the legal profession and assist law students with making a successful transition to the practice of law. During this bar, this task force was charged with the following three initiatives: i) Pilot program: National Bar Association Law Student Rep at 12-13 law schools across the country; ii) developing a Bridge the Gap Seminar for newly admitted attorneys; and iii) planning a collegiate Mock Trial Competition.

The Youth Achievers Breakfast

The Youth Achievers’ Breakfast, formally renamed the Minnie P. Spaulding Youth Achievers’ Breakfast, is a NABBS-sponsored event where the National Bar Association’s Youth Enrichment Program and a local youth group perform, receive a fully prepared breakfast, and receive an attendance award recognition for attending the event before a bus trip/tour. Recently, this event was either scheduled Wednesday or Thursday due to the tight National Bar Association schedule. Historically, the event was held the morning of the youths’ final day before the youth field trip and/or community service project.

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