
We are Proud to announce

NBA's Associate Advancement Academy for Excellence

The National Bar Association (NBA), Arnold & Porter, and the Arnold & Porter Foundation are committed to addressing retention issues in the nation’s largest law firms (e.g., the AmLaw 200 law firms).  To that end, the NBA has entered into a partnership with Arnold & Porter and the Arnold & Porter Foundation (collectively, “A&P”) to develop and implement a program specifically intended to facilitate the retention and advancement of current and potential NBA members in AmLaw 200 firms.  As part of the partnership, NBA is proud to announce the development of the NBA Associate Advancement Academy for Excellence!  The NBA Associate Advancement Academy for Excellence is a tailored career advancement experience for associates within the first 3 years of practice in an AmLaw 200 firm, developed with the support of NBA’s Minority Partners in Majority Firms Division, Young Lawyer Division, Commercial Law Section and Corporate Law Section.

About the NBA's Associate Advancement Academy for Excellence

The NBA's Associate Advancement Academy for Excellence (“NBA Advancement Academy” or “Academy”) is specifically intended to facilitate the advancement and retention of current and future NBA members in the nation’s largest law firms.  The Academy, which will run annually from July 1st to June 30th of each year, includes educational, networking, mentoring, and pro bono/community service components tailored to advance the careers of attorneys within the first 3 years of practice in an AmLaw 200 firm.

Academy participants, (“NBA Associate Advancement Academy for Excellence Fellows” and “Fellows”), will participate in monthly educational and networking sessions, monthly mentoring check-ins with a law firm partner mentor and corporate counsel mentor, respectively, and various NBA events throughout the year.  In particular, Fellows will be expected to commit to the following:

  • Attend a monthly virtual professional development session
  • Mentoring check-ins with NBA law firm partner mentor and corporate mentor
  • Attendance at the following NBA Events:

The 2024-2025 cohort will include 20 associates, with no more than two associates from any one firm.

The Academy will cover a range of topics integral to successful advancement in law firm practice, including the following:
  • Anatomy of a Big Law Firm
  • Navigating a Law Firm and Capitalizing on Firm Professional Staff
  • Legal Research & Writing Skills
  • Accounting 101 & Corporate Basics
  • The Art of Business Development
  • The Clients: In-House Legal Perspectives
  • Building your Brand-Externally
  • Building your Brand-Internally
  • The NBA & Using Your Legal Skills to Benefit the Black Community
  • Wellness (physical and mental)
  • Doing Well While Doing Good (successfully integrating pro bono/service into firm practice and as a tool for training and building your brand)


Applicant Materials

How to Apply

Each applicant must submit the following materials by July 15, 2024:

  1. NBA Associate Advancement Academy Application – Applicant Form
  2. NBA Associate Advancement Academy Application – Firm Support Certification
  3. Statement from Firm Managing Partner, Office Managing Partner, or your Practice Group Chair explaining why the firm recommends you for the Academy (no more than 250 words)
  4.  Current Resume
  5. Letter of Interest detailing why you want to be a participant in the Academy

The application materials should be submitted as one pdf to: [email protected]


For more information about the Academy, please contact us at [email protected]

Become a Mentor

Interested in serving as a mentor for the Academy?
Please click below to submit your information.

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National Bar Association

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